[Why?] Let’s party up guys!

Do you prefer playing games alone or with friends? We each have our own preference when it comes to that; sometimes we just want to have a little alone time to relax or simply, we play with our friends to have a good time and have some fun. Nowadays, playing games has become a way... Continue Reading →

[Sitdown #2] Transcending Legendary

Disclaimer: This article contains heavy use of Dota 2 and Hearthstone related terminologies. Prior knowledge of the game is required to fully understand the entire article. How many of you can remember the shock and anger when you first calibrated your MMR (Matchmaking Rating) [1] after ten intense and hard fought games of Dota 2?... Continue Reading →

[Sitdown #1] Entrepreneurial spirit

Disclaimer: This article contains heavy use of Dota 2 related terminologies. Prior knowledge of the game is required to fully understand the entire article. How well do you know Zuriel? Other than being the smartly dressed, polite, charismatic enigma that Zuriel is, most of his friends have always wondered who he actually is. Always known... Continue Reading →

[Introductions #1] Back to the beginning

What are games? The most generic answer will be - something that people play. However, I define games as a way to entertain myself, relax after a long day and have a good time with my friends. I have played games since I was a kid in primary school (Elementary School). It was during a flight to Houston, Texas, 14 years ago, that I got hooked to playing games. The flight... Continue Reading →

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